Saturday, 29 November 2014

Poinciana - Delonix regia

November 30, the rain, heat and sun have brought out the Poincianas.
Will hunt around for a better shot, perhaps a bit more against a blue sky where they really look great, but for the moment I'll use this as a kind of place mark to note the time of year when they really come into full bloom.

Internet searches say it originates from Madagascar.

Monday, 24 November 2014

Tuckeroo - Cupaniopsis anacardioides

OK, to kick things off on a blog on trees we start with a seed in a seed pod. This one is from a street in Forest Lake. I'll keep the text short so I can get used to the format of the blog and work on it's presentation.

Happy Tree Hugging!

Saturday, 22 November 2014

Ok, blog up, missed jacaranda season pretty much, will have to add them 11 months from now. So, step 1, get some photos to start the show...